To browse Academia. Rast Musicology Journal Rast is a regional refereed journal which draws its contributions from a wide community of researchers. The main focus of the Rast is firmly the analysis of Turkish music including Turkic world, eastern and Islamic civilization. Additionally, RAST provides a forum for cross-cultural investigations and discussions relating to all areas of musicology. Furthermore, Rast is a multidisciplinary journal devoted to issues and practices in music research. Dear authors, referees and readers of Rast Musicology Journal Rast Musicology Journal creates many bridges in terms of being an academic journal that was born at the intersection of Eastern and Western music. One of these bridges was laid with the International Rast Music Congress held between December Important academicians from many countries of the world attended the International Rast Music Congress. We believe that the IRMC will continue to evolve as a platform for important discussions for music research. The second congress is planned to be in May The publication of the articles selected in the congress is supported by our journal. This year, the preparations for the special issue of Rast Musicology Journal, Interdisciplinary Music Studies, are continuing. We would like to thank everyone who contributed to our special issue. We share our decision to publish Rast Musicology Journal in 4 issues in March, June, September and December in with Casino Venezia Dress Code our readers and writers. The trust in Rast Musicology Journal makes us happy. However, it creates quite a burden and responsibility in the article evaluation processes. In this respect, we would like to thank our authors for their patience and understanding. Best regards. The topics of the congress are very diverse, to the extent that transculturalism covers many issues. The congress will provide a platform for researchers to share their insights, engage in discussions, and explore new perspectives on how music transcends cultural boundaries. We encourage submissions that delve into transcultural musicology, ethnomusicology, and related interdisciplinary studies. The official language of the congress is English. We kindly ask that you prepare a presentation of 15 minutes A video recording of the presentation must be uploaded to YouTube, send us a YouTube link. In the attachment, you can find the guideline for the abstract and article. We kindly request the following information: name, surname, affiliation, title, and a word abstract. Please send your information to the following email addresses: E-mail: rastmusiccongress gmail. Dear authors, reviewers, editors and readers! Interdisciplinary research is research in which scientific research tries to find solutions to some problems with all Casino Venezia Dress Code disciplines. We are proud and happy to create this special issue with the contribution of our writers from different countries. We believe that it will make significant contributions to music research. Rast Musicology Journal Editorial. E-mail: rastmusiccongress gmail. Sincerely, Dr. All other selected articles can be published in Young Wise Publishing Journals. In the history of Turkish makammusic, various changes have occurred from time to time in the systematic structure of the music. These changes over a long period of time have shaped the accumulation of Turkish makammusic and shapedit into what it is today. In the 10th century, Farabi, who expressed the formation of sound by the striking of objects against each other, established the part sound system on the Khorasan Tanbur. In the following periods, this sound system appears in the works of music theorists such as Urmevî, Merâgî, Yusuf Kırşehrî, Hızır bin Abdullah. Various genres and forms emerged on the basis of this system in different periods and geographies. Nevbet-i müretteb, which has been active in the history of makammusic for Casino Venezia Dress Code years and has a prestigious place in music circles with both its composition and performance, is one of them. The main features of this musical genre are that the sections are composed in a single makamand the performance starts at a slow tempo and gradually accelerates. Nevbet-i müretteb, whose detailed theoretical explanations are found especially in 15th century edvâr books, is treated in Iranian and Anatolian written music sources as a highly respected musical genre that attracted the attention of the court and its circle. Persian writings on theory of music has passed through phases of change during its evolution.
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