Mürüvvet Büyükboyacı and Serkan Küçükşenel. Managerial and Decision Economicsaccepted for publication. Kerim Keskin. Jo urnal of Economic Behavior and Organization, March, Moral Preferences in Bargainingw. Pau Juan-Bartroli. Economic Theoryforthcoming in the special issue on Behavioral Game Theory. Submodularity and Supermodularity in Contest Gamesw. Kerim Keskin and Çağrı Sağlam. International Journal of Economic TheoryJune20 2 Large Tullock Contestsw. Journal of Economics, October2 Atakan Dizarlar. Journal of Public Economic Theory, August25 4 Titans that Clash and a State that Buffersw. Doğan, K. Keskin, and Ç. J o urnal of Conflict Resolution, February-March67 Keskin and Ç. International Journal of Game Theory, March52 1 Elif Tosun. Effort Comparisons for a Class of Four-player Tournamentsw. Opponent Modeling Poker Bibliography, K. Social Choice and Welfare, July59, Bribing in Team Contests. Mathematical Social Sciences, September, S Doğan, K. Perseverance and Suspense in Tug-of-War. Journal of Mathematical EconomicsAugust95, Sağlam and A. Bargaining, Reference Points, and Limited Influence. Dynamic Games and Applications, June11 2 Kara and E. Costly Preparations in Bargaining. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, April2 Race meets Bargaining in Product Development. Managerial and Decision EconomicsApril42 3w. On "Going Unstructured" in Bargaining Experiments.
Semi-Academic Writings. Review of Economic Design Endogenous Reference Points in Bargaining. International Game Theory Review 17 3 , , Dark was the night ; Suddenly ; This. Bargaining Games with Joint Production.
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This paper examines the ways in which a concept of 'digital addiction' is produced in academic discourse, news media and contemporary. Research · Journal Publications · > Indexed by SSCI, SCI, SCIE: · > Indexed by ESCI, Scopus, etc.: · Book Chapters · Working Papers. The most important factor at this point is to intervene against. Table 1 represents mapping of main learning objectives to game goals. We mapped each one of learning objectives to game goal. The game operates with the logic of strategically fending off enemy attacks.Embedded Files. International Journal of Game Theory, March , 52 1 , Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization , March , , w. Aim for Empathy -- 6. Ajouter les coauteurs Coauteurs. Anders Poulsen and Maria Montero. Managerial and Decision Economics , March , 38 2 , w. Disable Accessibility Mode. Theory and Decision, August , 77 2 , w. Trading interviews with poker super stars : investing principles and trading techniques from trend. Online Poker. Bargaining Games with Joint Production. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, April , 2 , Winning a lucky poker game, Jack Dawson. Bulletin of Economic Research Working Papers See below, for pdf files. Example 1: Coin Tosses -- 5. Disagreements in Unstructured Bargaining w. Keskin and E. Poker test -- 5. Tout afficher. Crime, Addiction and the Regulation of Gambling. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy Belfast : Segregation, Violence and the City. Arama Seçenekleri. Constraint Satisfaction -- Managing. The Inner History of Devices. Yıla Gore Artan. Chi-Square x2 Test -- 4. Page updated.